Ipswich River Association: Re-Naturalizing a River

Short notice, but it looks like a great talk.  Please RSVP to 978-412-8200.


Show Me Your River World Fish Migration Day Presentation

Where: Riverbend, Ipswich River HQ
When: Thursday, May 3rd 6:30 PM to 8 PM

Alicia Pulsifer Heyburn, originally of Ipswich, spent five weeks on a solo bicycle journey along the Rhine River. Along the way, she met with people working to improve river conditions for migratory fish. At each stop she’d ask, “Show me your river”, and encourage participation in World Fish Migration Day, held globally on April 21, 2018.
Now back in Ipswich, where similar restoration efforts are underway, Alicia will be giving a presentation at the Ipswich River Watershed Association about the benefits of re-naturalizing a river to reduce flooding, improve water quality and improve connectivity for migratory species.
